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R2D2 Ukraine Freedom Force

Year 2022
Type Mixed
Size 35.4 × 35.8 in

R2D2 Ukraine Freedom Force. This art work was a battle harden R2D2. I created this art piece to support Ukraine freedom against Russia invasion. Growing up in the 80s, Starwars had created a POP culture through its imaginary characters and successful story line whereby evil can never triumph over righteousness nor supress by righteousness. I would hope to attract individual through this art piece and create a linkage among people to be more aware of what war is about and the cost of freedom and sacrifice.

Buy € 956 Net price

This artwork was kindly donated by Artist for Charity initiative to support Ukraine. By bying this Artwork You will help the victims of war, as 90% from net sales proceeds (subj to legal Tax deduction) will be transferred to Bank of Ukraine Special fundraising account of The Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine. The rest amount will be transferred to Artist to cover transaction fees.

