Peter Sebok
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Peter Sebok, is a Hungarian-born, internationally-known visual artist, and photographer. His career spanning over 40 years. Educated in Italy (Rome Academy) and the USA, (Cleveland Institute of Art) producing projects, large outdoor installations, and many solo exhibitions on both sides of the Atlantic in the 80s and 90s. Then by personal choice, He withdrew from the Art World, yet continued making works for himself and a group of close friends. Returned to Europe and for the following 20 years, he had been managing a private theatre company in Hungary, overseeing stage and marketing design. Before the 2020 pandemic global shutdown, He re-evaluated his past and foresaw a brighter future in Asia. Currently, He lives in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, where He sits, meditates, and creates artwork about Time, Change, Nature, and an Organic World. His photographs are documentation of mini-installations produced during his daily meditations. He lives in Paradise, which He shares with 3 cats, 71 million people, and 23 million motorcycles.
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