raouf meftah
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Raouf Meftah, artiste calligraphe né en 1976, il a reçu plusieurs prix et a exposé en Tunisie, en Egypte, en France à Dubaï a Bangkok en Italie a ABU DHABI et à Monaco membre du Comité National Monégasque de l’AIAP auprès de l’UNESCO MONACO Art Director ROYAL ARTS MAGAZINE https://royalartsmagazine.wordpress.com/ Jury member INTERNATIONAL ART EXPO ED 2021 Jury member world fashion festival awards Dubai 2019 Second Best Arab Abstract Artist in the WORLD 2021 Oscar AWARD BEST ARTIST FOR ARAB CALLIGRAPHY Dubai 2019 Premier 1° GOLD PRIZE GOLDEN PRIZE 2019 INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY ART EXPO 3 EME prix international de L’UNESCO Troyes 1999 Prix de la comité Du Monde Arabe Alexandria Arab League Award EGYPT 1998 His calligraphy is the fruit of this richness that challenges us. His calligraphy is unique, combined with other artistic techniques touch the heart and attracts the public’s eye through a perfect harmony between Eastern and Western artistic techniques: they create a universal art where everyone can identify and interact with these creations. The absence of the text in several calligraphies does not detract from the story told by each of his works which are a perfect marriage of curves and colors, a story that hides another in every detail and every ornament, so can we discover several episodes in the same table often well-hidden and just find the right way to interact with his work because he invites us to watch and admire his calligraphy with the heart well before our eyes. In another way the calligraphy, for him is a soul and a spirit since the painting is the fruit of the imaginary…. Dialogue with his work is to allow our soul to project us much further than the limit of our imagination. Mastering both techniques is like defining a soul to an imaginary world. This is how he challenges us and builds his own unique style.
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