MoBU 2024

May 29 — June 2, 2024
Online Fair


Welcome to the online extension of the 2nd edition of the International Art Fair of Bucharest (MoBU).

“The second edition of MoBU highlights artists and works from Germany, Romania, the Republic of Moldova, Poland, and Ukraine. Additionally, we have invited art faculties from Bucharest, Cluj, Iași, and Timișoara to showcase themselves and the future of contemporary art, resulting in this year’s event’s hybrid nature. Although different from 2023, we still hope we have found the right formula to connect the Romanian public with the art market. Since contemporary art invites conceptualization and reflection, I invite you to MoBU to discover art in another dimension.” - Demetra Arapu, Director of MoBU

We invite you to delve into the artworks presented during the on-site fair, where you can immerse yourself in a world of creativity and inspiration. And the best part? With the option to acquire any piece that captures your interest, regardless of where you are in the world, you can take home a piece of the magic that is MoBU.

So come, join us on this journey of artistic discovery and wonder, as we celebrate the beauty of art and the endless possibilities it holds.

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