Camilla M. Mecagni Italy Follow

Corpo Chemica: The Horse and Rider

Size 31.5 × 36 in

The image to the left of the triptych's center is a woman, a divine feminine power, riding bareback on a horse. This image was inspired by Gianbologna’s (Giovanni da Bologna, 1529-1608), Mannerist Equestrian Statue of Cosimo I de Medici (1587-1594), erected in 1594 in Piazza della Signoria, as well as by Diana the Huntress, the Roman goddess of the hunt. This photograph is a re-interpretation of the statue of Cosimo de Medici I and the overall patriarchal presence as the Grand Duke of Tuscany that he symbolizes; the photograph captures a strong female presence astride a horse.

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Camilla M. Mecagni

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